My last WOD of the year. Hmm. What, Why and How should I finish this year of training? This has by far been one of the toughest years up to date. At the same time it has been one of the best. I have made new friends and deepend friendships where I could.
Life is like a WOD in a wierd sort of way. Some of them make you proud, some make you very humble. Other's bring you to your knees and some fill you with awe.
I felt it appropriate to finish the year off with a Hero WOD. As I have mentioned before, I hate Hero WODs. Period. That will never change. The last 3 wods of the year posted on CrossFit.com happened to be Hero WODs. Yet, I had already had my mind set on Hidalgo. Once my mind is set, I will not be wishy washy about it.
A Hero WOD is generally nothing easy to run through. You will suffer if you attack it appropriately. Life isn't easy and making sacrifices aren't easy. Thinking for yourself and making decisions regardless of self sacrifice aren't easy. There are very few people in the world that are absolutely capable of being clear minded and regardless of fear still know how to live fully to the limit.
First Lieutenant Hidalgo as I understand took responsibility for himself and those under his command. Regardless of what he had to lose he made his choices and was not bonded or caged by fear.
With a 20 pound vest do:
2 mile run
2min rest
with the vest still on do:
20 squat cleans @ 135 pounds
20 box jumps @ 24"
20 walking lunges with 45 pounds held over head.
20 box jumps @24"
20 squat cleans @135 pounds
2min rest
run 2 miles.
All of it for time.
It was dark when I started and the weather deemed to fit my mood. (I really hate doing hero wods) With it being cold as shit, raining and somehow snowing at the end, I finished at 47min.
Let the new year come. I wish you all a wonderful and eventful 2012!