This will be a short post covering todays "suck it up fest"(#31) and the last of the CrossFit Open WODs.
It is nice to be able to just concentrate on training now. We don't have to worry about how we are competing or what our rank is. Now we will be able to focus on our weaknesses. Believe me, my list just got longer! I don't have any pictures. However, you can imagine a ass dragging guy trying to beat himself through a wod that was kicking his butt from the beginning!
Two rounds, of each triplet, for time of:
Run 400m w/20lb (10kg) vest
7 Muscle Ups (w/vest)
9 Deadlifts, 300lbs (135kg) [w/vest]
30 Air Squats
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
10 HSPUs
100ft (30m) Bear Crawl
30ft (10m) Handstand Walk
100ft (30m) Bear Crawl.*
*Turns into 60m by finishing round 1 and starting round 2.
The first triplet had to be modified. Instead of Muscle Ups with a vest, I did 21 pull ups and 21 ring dips each round. (with the vest) I just couldn't make it through the transition today. I have been having some problems with my right shoulder so we will see where that goes.
The second triplet didn't have to be mod. But those Chest to Bar Pull-ups were still challenging. The HSPUs were a nice finish. They also prepared me for what was coming up next.
The 3rd triplet had me thinking that Bear crawls was the worst thing to do on a Tuesday morning. That thought was replaced by "wtf" when it came to the handstand walk. 10 meters can be a really long distance if you haven't experienced that way of taking a walk before.
I want to thank Brian from the bottom of my heart on this one! You got me on this one! How many more times I will be repeating myself is unknown. I am sure he has something up his sleeve!
11.6 was similar to "Fran". There were Thrusters and Pull-ups. However, as mentioned earlier by Brian, this had to do with your output. Moving heavy sh*t, long distance fast. Although the thrusters were only 45kg, the weight will make you work after a few minutes. Finding your own pace were you can push yourself and keep going with little pause is the key.
I finished off the 11.6 wod with 100 even reps. My goal was just to make 100. I knew if I got at least that, nothing would hinder me in being able to get to LA.
So now that part of the task is accomplished, there is a lot of grinding to be done before we go to LA.
Let's see what comes up next!
Can't wait to see you do your thing in Cali!