Brian's new playground |
The programming for this challenge was inspired by my buddy, Karl Steadman of
CrossFit 3D, who had devised a diabolical plan for a few CrossFit Ramstein athletes about a year and a half ago. It involved running a short distance, followed by a particular exercise. The idea behind it was to pump out as many repetitions as possible after the short run; however, the catch was this: the athlete had a time limit to complete the reps. It was physically as well as psychologically challenging. But here is how the WOD was scored: only the repetitions counted towards your final score. So, each athlete had to give a strong effort on the run so they would be able to get back quickly and start cracking off reps. However, if they pushed themselves too hard, then they wouldn't have much left in the tank to complete that many reps! Hmm...tough stuff.
Challenge #6 consisted of two rounds of two couplets, with one minute rest between couplets. After the two rounds were complete, a three minute rest was awarded, then two more rounds of two different couplets, with one minute rest between couplets. The exercises that counted toward the total score were: 30kg thrusters, pull-ups, push-ups, and 35kg sumo deadlift high-pulls.
My total score: 243
Rob's thoughts:
This wod was a burner! Talking about being in a time crunch!
How one apply's himself to this one is not an easy task. If you are a good sprinter, do you have the strength to get a lot of reps in? What if you're not a good sprinter? Will you be able to get enough multiple reps in with just having enough strength?
There was just one train of thought when my training buddy Bou and I started off, Brian is going to be fast and strong. So what do you do? We ran and gave everything we had.
The suck fest was open.
Two rounds of:
Three minutes to complete the following, with ONE minute rest between couplets:
Run 400 meters
Max reps thrusters, 30kg
Run 400 meters
Max reps pull-ups
After the two rounds are complete, rest THREE minutes, then:
Two rounds of:
Three minutes to complete the following, with ONE minute rest between couplets:
Run 400 meters
Max reps push-ups
Run 400 meters
Max reps SDHP, 35kg
Your score will be the total number of reps of the thrusters, pull-ups, push-ups and SDHPs.
After the second 400m run and the first round of pull ups we knew the 1min rest was not going to be long.
The thrusters and the pull ups by themselves were draining enough, but managable.
Were things really started to burn was while doing the push ups and sdlhp. The push ups drained everything that was left in upper body strength. The sdhp, thats were it got interesting! 35kg is a light enough weight. But after push ups and the 400m runs, your body is demanding perfection while doing this one. If not, the wrists and shoulders will pay for sloppy form.
Thanks for putting this one out there Brian!
my score:
My score thrusters 23/21; Pull ups:24/22; push ups: 43/40; sdhp:23/21 = 217
Btw, don't do this after doing OHS and Dls the night before. ;-P