Thursday, April 7, 2011

Brob's Challenge: CF Games WOD #2

Hold The Standard

The CF Games have been so far showing me where my flaws are and what I need to be doing. I can't and will not be satisfied.
At the end of the second wod I was 7th place overall in the masters 45-49 age group. 301pts for wod #1 (23rd) and 386pts (10th) for wod #2.

Games WOD #2 was a 15min AMRAP of:
70kg Deadlifts x 9
push ups x 12 (hands lifted off the floor at the bottom.)
box jumps x 15
The dl's were light enough. However, I knew that the combination dl's, b-jumps and push ups were going to be a suck-it-up party. Whoever can push themselves to the extreme without any type of self-preservation here is going to do well. The box jumps just tired me out. No if's and butt's about it.

This wod made me think hard about what I have been doing the last 12 months. As I see it, I haven't followed the warm up which is best for me. Other then that, the programming I have been following for myself has been excellent. (CFJAX) Why because I don't have to guess about what I should do. It has pretty much kept it all constantly varied and has me working on my weaknesses.
As of this week my warm up is back to 3 rounds of:
samson stretch each leg x 30 seconds
15 ohs
15 push ups
15 sit ups
15 box jumps
15 du
15 pull ups (strict)
15 ring dips
This might be a lot to some. For others probably not much at all. After that, I go through the Burgener Warm Up. Then I am ready to go.

This weeks wod #3 is 5 min of Squat Clean to Overhead. Up until now, how well I place or rank didn't mean crap to me. This week is a different story. I want more..... to be con't

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