Sunday, April 24, 2011

CF Games WOD 11.5

Let's cut the chase and get to the point. ;-P
This week's adventure was a 20min AMRAP of:
5 power cleans @65kg/145#
10 Toes 2 Bar (T2B)
15 Wallball

I have recently used the words nasty, disgusting, hard and sneaky to describe the past WOD's completed. I'll just have to admit this one left me floored for a while. When 11.5 came out I thought I'd make a run through it to see how it felt. After about 10 minutes, I was ready for the wod to be over. Thank goodness someone came in to be trained. I did not feel bad about cutting it short.

Attempt #2 was Friday morning. Having already realized that this was going to be taxing enough, I wanted to make sure I got through this feast while I was rested properly. After some coffee, water and warming up it was time to go.
As Brian knows our cealing isn't high enough for the wallballs. Therefore, we have a station setup outside our box for the wallballs. I am not sure if this made too much of a difference in the amount of reps accomplished. I will say that it kept me constantly moving.

My score: 10 rounds flat for 300 points. I am still not satisfied.
I want to thank my wife Susi for judging me and sticking it to me when a rep didn't count. She is one of the most honest people I know.
For me, it's a big deal to know that I am doing the work properly and not half ass. It would be cool to go to LA. However, I don't want to get there on a false pretense.
Thanks SUSI!

Thanks CF Games WOD Planner's for kicking my butt again!
@Brian Kick some a$$ Brother!

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