Friday, October 1, 2010

The Idea

No better way to start a blog about training...
We had just finished an excellent meal at Big Emma's, and we were outside talking and bidding our farewells. I leave Germany in less than one week. My good buddy, Robert Powell, from CrossFit Ansbach, made the trip to say good-bye to one of our very own: Jon Wong. With CrossFitters, 98.56% of the conversations are about, well, CrossFit, or anything related to training, diet, etc. This conversation was no different--and the idea was born.

Robert and I will take turns programming a weekly workout. Both of us will complete the workout, post our results, progress, and whatever else we feel like contributing to cyberspace. We both felt that it would be an excellent way to stay in touch, provide motivation for each others' training, and stay proficient at programming WODs. Well, to be honest, I will be the one that needs to stay proficient at programming...Robert has a box to run, so he gets plenty of practice! So, if you feel like following our progress and offering any tips, comments, questions, or encouraging words, please feel free to do so!


  1. btw that is an ugly picture of me!

  2. Haha! Yes, this is going to be fun...and sorry about the pic bro...had to!
