Soapbox. I am glad you were on yours Rob; it motivated me to develop a list of goals for 2011. And not just in my head, but written down and visible goals. Of course, I already have certain goals that have been branded into my brain and I am just itching to get after them. However, I must be patient. But nobody ever said that one cannot pre-plan a successful route to the accomplishment of said goals. How would we ever arrive at meeting them if we did not plan? But enough about that for right now--let's get on to the January 2011 Painstorm.
When one is at a loss (and in a hurry) to program a challenging WOD, one should always choose the Painstorm. The January 2011 Painstorm was cordially brought to us by Kempie of CrossFit Northeast England. I liked this WOD and I hated this WOD. I liked it because the first part of it incorporated some movements that I excel at: ground-to-overhead (at 70kg), push-ups, and squats. I hated this WOD because the second part (immediately following the 12-min AMRAP), was a max effort mile run. I do not particularly enjoy running; besides, my calves have been feeling really spicy lately with all of the additional running I have been doing (in preparation for a half marathon in Feb). After everything was said and done, here is how Kari and I fared:
Brian: 9 rounds (70kg GTO) / 7:14 mile run
Kari: 8 rounds (43kg GTO) / 7:10 mile run (yes, she beat me!)
What a way to ring in the New Year!
Good Job Kari! No, good Job to both of you! You guys really kicked Butt!