So where do we start?
I have asked myself this question every week. But before you can ask a question like that, you have to know where you want to go. That's the damned truth. Any fool can put a workout together. However, does it or will it make sense? When I use a WOD from someone else, is it something I can use to stay on track with my goals?
Do you really have your goals set? Goals are important in life. Without them you're just floating around like the marshmellow man. That is the reason why people will not see results, although they go to the gym day after day. They just go through the motions and do not ask if what they are doing is effective. Usually, they are just following "the experts" and trying to find a fast fix.
Keeping yourself fit in life, your job, or with your family is hard work. It's the same way with getting fit and being strong. There is just no going through the motions and faking it.
Make a commitment, get your goals set and just start f++king do it. Not tomorrow. Now. That is life. Being here now.
So without further jabbering, this is our challenge:
The Jan 2011 Painstorm (courtesy of CrossFit Northeast England):
AMRAP 12 min of:
3 unbroken Ground To OverHead *
7 push-ups
7 burpees
7 squats
Then (after 12 minutes is finished) immediately run 1 mile / 1.6Km for time.
This challenge is for me a "get back to it" WOD.
Last week surprised me. I got hit with a virus that just messed me up. I seriously spent my New Year's Eve celebrating with my pillow. Seeing that my strength was back up to par friday, made me want to push myself into the new week. It has been the first metcon since our last challenge. Today, Uli was kind enough to push through with me! Thanks!
Good job Brian for suggesting it!
My Score: 6rds with 70kg. 7:38min for the mile.
Solid work Rob! Will post my results tomorrow...