A 5-minute AMRAP--not the norm. Usually, AMRAPs are in the 20-minute range...at the very least, maybe 10. For me, going into an AMRAP means that there will probably be some kind of pacing going on. Long ago, I learned the painful lesson of "shooting out of the gates" like a possessed race horse, hopped up on multiple doses of pharmaceutical-grade speed. My face was beet red, sweat was dripping, and I desperately wanted the WOD to be over with. Much to my dismay, I realized that there was still 17 minutes left in the workout.
However, a 5-minute AMRAP is a different story. There is no excuse not to go all out...no excuse to not go completely ballistic for the entire five minutes. But...throw a 1200 meter run in between two 5-minute AMRAPs, and the end result may turn out to be completely different than how you originally perceived the workout to unfold. I suppose one can say that about any CrossFit workout though, huh? Always seems different "on paper"--that is, of course, until we are in the middle of the WOD, cursing ourselves for thinking something so foolish.
This week's challenge was:
Complete AMRAP in five minutes of:
3 Overhead squats, 50kg
6 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
9 Chest-to-deck Push-ups
Run 1200 meters, then, immediately:
Complete AMRAP in five minutes of:
3 Power snatches, 50kg
6 Ring dips
9 Goblet squats, 1.5 pood kettlebell
My results: 6 rounds + 13 reps / 5:11 / 5 rounds
Total time: 15:11
Total rounds/reps: 11 rounds + 13 reps
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