Brob's #24 was a wonderful test for my weaknesses. It consisted of:
30 pistols
20 full kettlebell swings @32kg
10 squat snatches @ 135#
30 pistols (again)
20 handstand push ups
10 sumo deadlift high pulls with @ 135#
30 pistols (while it's just so much fun!)
20 toes 2 bar
10 overhead squats @ 135#
For Time.
If you have never done one legged squats (Pistols), they require a litlle practice. Back in September, I couldn't even really do them. As life would have it, they showed up at the "Fit As Fu*k" Challenge as part of the skills needed to be completed in wod 1. How terrible I was at them! I can only say this, it just took a little effort a few minutes here and there and they were off my check list!
The statement: "practice makes perfect", reall become a reality here.
Today's concoction
was mixed by one of our house matador's. Stephan Dallheimer aka Bou.
He hit the spot with this one. There is nothing like trying to do squat snatches and ohs after you have done a bunch of pistols.
Thanks Bou!
Thanks to Jürgen Mändlein, Shorty and Kiwi for being with me on this one! They helped and motivated each other to get through this today!
Our times:
Kiwi. 15:50 -mod pistols
Shorty (Johannes Knöchel) 16:01 -mod pistols / used 115# for the bar.
Jürgen :17:36. pushed himself amazingly well. mod pistols and 95# for the bar.
rob. 16:30min. rx'd
Nice work guys!