Seriously, this was a short WOD for me. Brian got me on this one. This weeks challenge was to complete every minute on the minute:
15 double unders, 10 Air Squats and 5 muscle ups.
Whoaaa! No Problem!
I had realized that I haven't done any mu's in a long time. But that really didn't worry me. Each WOD can always be modified. No exceptions here either. No one likes to show their weaknesses. However, I believe the more open and real you are towards problems, obstacles or any type of difficulties in life, the less of a problem it is really going to be. It's just something I have to keep up on.
How would my strength program effect me here? I'd say maybe a little bit. After reducing my metcons for the past 4 weeks, I have probably gotten a little heavier. Making the MU a little more difficult. (Hey, it's Christmas season as well.) As already mentioned, I think it's just something I have to keep up on!
I modified the wod after failing to get 5 mu's in the first minute.
It looked like this:
15 du's, 10 air squats, at least 1 mu each round for 5 rounds. After that, I did 6mu's to finish up the day.
My thought's: It was a great challenge. Simple, sweet and to the point. Either I have to warm my shoulders up more and work on my technique and/or lose weight. ;-P
Two other's did this yesterday with success:
Reid rx'd. 4rds
Bou. rx'd. 3rds
Nice work guys. I'll post my experience soon...