Sunday, December 5, 2010

Brob's #10

Wow, what could I say to this. We have been doing strength work lately. So when I threw this one out there, I didn't realize how much fun we were going to have...

Our Challenge:

15 min amrap of:

5 ring pull ups w/24kg
10 wallball sit-ups
15 BW back squats

We are using Ricky Frausto Jr.'s Programm "15". You can reach him through
Strength Development Inc. So after having done squats and bench work Friday, as already mentioned this was to say the least, FUN!

My hamstrings and glutes were already sore. So I was kind of happy that we don't have mirrors in the box. Or else I would have to look at the fool who thought this up. ;-P

Seriously, this wod was great. It was challenging, but we got to see through these simple movements what our deficits are. To find the answer, you have to know what the question would be:

Can I pull, throw, lift and carry heavy stuff long distances fast?
Well my personal answer is, I am working on it!

-Ring pull ups with extra weight show if we can pull our body weight up whenever we need to.

-Wallball sit ups show how fast we can move and react. They also show how fast you can get off the ground.

-BW back squats show if you can lift and carry your kids, buddies or anyone else or anything you need from up off the ground.

Anything in life can happen. Any- and everyone should be able to do these tasks. Mothers, fathers, senior citizens, construction workers, nurses, firemen, soldiers and policeman must be able to pull, lift or carry their own weight. Even kid's carrying their books to school.

I hope my thoughts are clear enough for you. Today it's hard sitting and typing in this chair I am using! :-)

My score: 5 rds + 5 ring pull ups and 10 wallball sit-ups.

Brian and Kari, I hope you guys had fun with this!


  1. Reid was hiding behind the camera.

    The guys suffering with me:
    Tattoed guy: Flo
    Uli from the restaurant Pepe's
    Bou (stefan)
    The kid in black, Christian aka "the butcher"
    reid. hiding behind the camera!

  2. Awesome job guys! Looks brutal--will be doing this later today.
